The SQ3R Study Method: All You Need to Know - E-Student (2024)

Today, I’ll be covering one of the older named studying strategies that are still currently used: the SQ3R study method.

It’s a learning strategy that has stood the test of time better than almost any other, despite facing criticisms from its inception. Even Walter Pauk, the inventor of the famous Cornell method of note-taking, said in 1974 that the SQ3R study method istoo complexfor students to use.

Complex or not, we’ll be taking a deep dive into the study method to see what it’s all about and whether it’s still relevant in the modern era.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this article:

The SQ3R Method

What is the SQ3R study method?

SQ3R is a study method designed to improve the reading comprehension of students. SQ3R is an acronym for the five steps of the system: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. The SQ3R study methodis based on the information processing theory of learning, and it was originally developed by Francis P. Robinson, apioneer in literacy theory, in1941.

The power of the SQ3R study method comes from its ability to help students focus on the most important information within the learning materials. The five steps of SQ3R help students get the most out of their reading material by breaking down the task of reading into more manageable steps.

But before we get into the “how,” let’s first get into the “why.”

Advantages of the SQ3R study method

Throughout the years, various studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of the SQ3R method. The science behind other popular methods, such as the Pomodoro study method,is more conjectural, and we can say with relative certainty how and why the SQ3R is effective due to the bigger (albeit still small) amount of research conducted on the topic.

These are the reasons why the SQ3R study method can be considered effective:

There are many excellent reasons to consider using the SQ3R method as a student. Yet, despite the big catalog of benefits, the SQ3R technique is not without its drawbacks.

Disadvantages of the SQ3R study method

Many researchers question the reliability of the SQ3R method, bringing attention to disadvantages such as:

Many of these disadvantages arise from the fact that the method is becoming close to a century old. At present, the field of learning psychology is much better understood. That is why some consider other techniques, such as the SOAR study method, to be superior to the SQ3R. Another related method that aims to achieve the same thing is the REAP (Read, Encode, Annotate, Ponder) method.

Indeed, the SQ3R method is not perfect. But, in my opinion, SQ3R still has its fair share of uses, and for strengthening your comprehension of textbooks, it continues to be one of the most effective study methods out there.

Now, let’s dive right into how the SQ3R should be used.

How do you use the SQ3R study method?

These are the five steps to using the SQ3R study method:

  1. Survey
  2. Question
  3. Read
  4. Recite
  5. Review


The first step of the SQ3R study method issurveyingthe learning material. Surveying is beneficial to reading comprehension as itprepares the brain’s processing systemfor what is coming. If your brain knows what to expect from the material, it can store the information much more efficiently.

To survey the material, begin byglancing over all the headings and subheadings in the chapter to activate your existing knowledge. Also, pay attention to any other noteworthy components, such as tables, figures, or diagrams. This will help you create a mental outline of all the available information.

Then, once you have glanced over the material, continue byskimming through the first sentence of each paragraph. Once you’ve done that, you’ll want to read the introductory paragraphs and summary paragraphs before finally going over the study questions.

By following all these steps of surveying, you can ensure that your brain knows what type of information to expect from the material, where that information is located, and what bits of information to pay extra attention to.

All this may sound like a lot to do, but the survey step should only takethree to five minutesfor an experienced SQ3R method user.


The second step of the SQ3R study method involves generating studyquestions.

This is done by turning all the headings and subheadings inside the material into questions. This is done so that you have a clear purpose for the reading stage and so that you know what type of information you should be paying the closest attention to.

Just like the previous step of surveying, questioning forces you to tackle your uncertainties head-first. Without a doubt, generating your own study questions is more difficult than simply following instructor-generated questions. But the reward is that these kinds of questions also guide the reading process much more efficiently.


The third step of the SQ3R study method involvesreading the material, and it’s the most important event of the method.

Here is where all the preparation done in the previous two steps comes into play. In this step, you start reading the text while answering both the chapter questions and the self-generated questions created in step #2.

As a reader, you’ll have to carefully choose the information you need to answer all questions, and this process requires strong concentration to be effective. The SQ3R technique forces you to read actively rather than passively, and while it’s more engaging, it’s also considerably more cognitively demanding.


The fourth step of the SQ3R study method isrecitation.

This is the most time-consuming step of using the SQ3R, and it involves putting all the information you’ve processed until this point into your own words. Make sure to take your time with this step, as skipping over it risks reducing the efficacy of the SQ3R system.

It’s important to always use your own words for recitation rather than someone else’s, and it’s also crucial that you cover all major points and questions generated in step #2.

By reciting the information, you can slow down the information input speed and give your brain more time for processing. Doing so will help you transfer the information from your short-term memory into your long-term memory.


The fifth and final step of the SQ3R technique isreviewingthe information.

This involves checking all the same headings you identified in step #1 once more and summarizing all the information into answers in your own words. This helps you lock in all the information that you have processed until this point.

As the human brain forgets information very quickly, the reviewing process is most effective if it starts early. By conducting an immediate review, you’ll interfere with the forgetting mechanism, and this will help you achieve the best possible retention.

With the reviewing step done, you’ve completed one cycle of the SQ3R study method – nice job!

The SQ3R Study Method: All You Need to Know - E-Student (2024)


The SQ3R Study Method: All You Need to Know - E-Student? ›

SQ3R is a study method designed to improve the reading comprehension of students. SQ3R is an acronym for the five steps of the system: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. The SQ3R study method is based on the information processing theory of learning, and it was originally developed by Francis P.

What is the SQ3R study method all you need to know? ›

SQ3R is a reading comprehension method named for its five steps: survey, question, read, recite, and review. Follow the steps below to learn how to glean as much information as possible from the text requirements from any class. Remember: The information you gain from reading is important.

How does a student use the SQ3R method? ›

SQ3R Reading Method
  1. Survey. Before you begin a new chapter, skim the material and get a feel for the main topics and ideas in the text. ...
  2. Question. Use questions to guide your reading. ...
  3. Read. As you read look for answers to the questions you created. ...
  4. Recite. ...
  5. Review.

How important is SQ3R method intensive reading to a student? ›

The SQ3R method is useful in reading because it helps readers discover the most important key words and phrases in a text. This helps with overall comprehension as some details are not always obvious when reading a text for the first time.

What is the SQ3R method quizlet? ›

SQ3R stands for the five steps in the study-reading process: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review.

What is the SQ3R method conclusion? ›

In conclusion

Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review!

What is the major goal of methods such as SQ3R enhance? ›

SQ3R is a Reading/Study formula designed to help process and increase retention of written information. It consists of the following five steps. Scan the piece of writing to establish its purpose and get the main ideas.

What is the purpose of SQ3R? ›

Background. SQ3R is a comprehension. strategy that helps students think about the text they are reading while they're reading. Often categorized as a study strategy, SQ3R helps students “get it” the first time they read a text by teaching students how to read and think like an effective reader.

How does SQ3R improve reading comprehension? ›

It also provides you with an overview of the author's statement of the most important points. This helps you to create a framework for the chapter in your mind before you begin reading. This framework provides a structure for the thoughts and details to come.

What is the meaning of 3S3R? ›

16) the reading techniques which one reads for pleasure is FAST READING. 17) techniques required for reading text for reasonable comprehension is NORMAL READING. 18) PS3R means PREVIEW,SKIM,READ,RECITE,REVISE. 19) 3S3R MEANS SURVEY,STUDY,SPEED,RECITE.

Is SQ3R an active reading strategy and is perfect for college reading? ›

The SQ3R Reading Strategy. You may have heard of the SQ3R method for active reading in your early education. This valuable technique is perfect for college reading. The title stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review, and you can use the steps on virtually any assigned passage.

What is the SQ5R active reading strategy? ›

The SQ5R study method enables you to actively study textbooks and readings. This method can help you process information actively which in turn leads to higher memory and mastery of the material.

What do most readers consider to be the easiest and most effective reading strategy? ›

One of the most effective strategies for teaching reading is called Schema. This strategy asks students to connect what they already know with new concepts presented within the text. The idea is that when you can associate further information with what you already know, you will learn it faster and retain it longer.

What is SQ3R method reference? ›

SQRRR or SQ3R is a reading comprehension method named for its five steps: survey, question, read, recite and review. The method was introduced by Francis P. Robinson, an American education philosopher in his 1946 book Effective Study.

What is questions in SQ3R? ›

Question/Query: Generate questions about the text that you can answer as you read it. These can be general (e.g. What is this section about?), more specifically targeted at the content of, say, the subheadings, or targeted at how the knowledge might be useful for your purposes.

When following the sqr3 method to analyze a procedural text what is the purpose of the survey step? ›

This textbook reading method is called SQ3R. The purpose of Surveying is to gain a quick overview of a chapter as a whole, its orderly development, and the relationships of main ideas to each other, BEFORE READING. To survey properly, spend 1 to 2 minutes Surveying in the following manner: A.

When was SQ3R developed? ›

SQ3R was proposed by Francis P. Robinson, prominent American educational psychologist, in his book Effective study (1946).

What is SQ3R in making conclusions and summarizing expository essay text? ›

SQ3R stands for survey, question, read, recite, review. I know that sounds like a lot of work just to read something, but if you follow these steps, you'll soon realize you remember more of what you read.

How does the SQ3R method help improve retention of information? ›

That's where the SQ3R comes into play! By answering the questions in your own words, the method allows you to facilitate the transfer of new material to your long-term memory, thus increasing your ability to retain the information you've just read.

Why should a student use the SQ3R method quizlet? ›

Why should a student use the SQ3R method? The SQ3R method provides a plan for a student to improve textbook reading skills.

Why is skimming important? ›

Skimming will help you locate the information quickly while making sure you use your time wisely. It will also increase the amount of usable material you obtain for your research. Suppose you have an exam in a few days. You need to review the material you learned, but you don't want to reread everything.

What are the three steps in the reading process? ›

These three phases are pre-reading, while-reading and after-reading phases. Each of them has its own important role. They are all necessary parts of a reading activity. In language classrooms, these phases have to be put in consideration in order to achieve to develop students' reading skills.

What is the method of reading? ›

The Reading Method, sometimes known as the Reading Approach, is an outdated way of teaching English, mainly as an additional language. The theory behind the method was that students could pick up the basics of English simply by learning to understand words and grammatical patterns from written text.

What are the strengths of SQ3R? ›

Advantages of the SQ3R study method
  • University students using the SQ3R strategy retain more information on exams.
  • Students develop better organizational skills, association, and critical thinking by using SQ3R.
Feb 14, 2023

How do you take notes in SQ3R? ›

Here is how this strategy can help.
  1. S = Survey the entire reading selection, briefly.
  2. Q = Question by turning the headings into questions. ...
  3. Cornell notes before you begin to read the section. ...
  4. R = Read so as to answer you questions. ...
  5. R = Recite while reading the text.
  6. R = Review.

What grade level is SQ3R? ›

SQ3R is a method that will be helpful when reading textbooks, articles or when reading more difficult text. It can be used at all grade levels and most subject areas.

What are the disadvantages of SQ3R? ›

One of the biggest drawbacks to using traditional SQ3R is that it takes a while to master the full method. It's also pretty time consuming to use. By the time you are to the review stage, you have likely skimmed the text two or three times, taken important notes and tested your ability to recall what you have read.

What is the difference between SQ3R and skimming? ›

The difference between skimming and scanning is on purpose. While skimming is done to get the main idea of the whole material, scanning is done to find specific information in the material. Scanning is a reading technique that you'll find useful in many situations.

What method is perfect for college reading? ›

The SQ3R Reading Strategy. You may have heard of the SQ3R method for active reading in your early education. This valuable technique is perfect for college reading. The title stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review, and you can use the steps on virtually any assigned passage.

What are 5 active reading strategies? ›

7 Effective Tips for Active Reading
  • Identify Unfamiliar Words and Phrases. ...
  • Make Notes, Outlines, or Highlights. ...
  • Learn the Main Idea and Key Concepts. ...
  • Ask Questions–Lots of Them. ...
  • Think Beyond the Text. ...
  • Visualization. ...
  • Write or Present a Book Summary.
Jul 29, 2022

What are the three main parts of active reading? ›

That is why these 3 stages - pre-read, reading, rereading (processing) - is an essential method in improving your reading skills because it primarily targets reading comprehension.

What are four things an active reader does? ›

Active reading
  • Underline or highlight key words and phrases as you read. ...
  • Make annotations in the margin to summarise points, raise questions, challenge what you've read, jot down examples and so on. ...
  • Read critically by asking questions of the text.

What is the best intervention for struggling readers? ›

The most commonly used strategy to improve reading fluency is the reading and rereading of familiar texts. Opportunities to read aloud, with guidance from teachers, peers or parents, are also associated with the development of fluent reading.

How do you teach a struggling reader to read? ›

Keep Up With Education Research
  1. BE INCLUSIVE. It is crucial to encourage as much success as possible when children are learning to read. ...

What is the best fluency strategy to use for struggling readers? ›

The best strategy for developing reading fluency is to provide your students with many opportunities to read the same passage orally several times. To do this, you should first know what to have your students read. Second, you should know how to have your students read aloud repeatedly.

What is SQ3R and Pqrst? ›

There are some teaching strategies in teaching reading introduced by some experts. Two of them are PQRST (Preview, Question, Read, Summarize, and Test) and SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review) strategies. Those strategies are able to be implemented to develop students' reading competency.

What kind of reading is intensive reading? ›

Intensive reading involves learners reading in detail with specific learning aims and tasks. It can be compared with extensive reading, which involves learners reading texts for enjoyment and to develop general reading skills.

What does question in SQ3R recommend? ›

Question/Query: Generate questions about the text that you can answer as you read it. These can be general (e.g. What is this section about?), more specifically targeted at the content of, say, the subheadings, or targeted at how the knowledge might be useful for your purposes.

What does the SQ3R in SQ3R reading system stand for? ›

The letters in SQ3R stand for five steps: survey, question, read, recite, and review.

Why does the SQ3R model improve reading comprehension? ›

This helps you to create a framework for the chapter in your mind before you begin reading. This framework provides a structure for the thoughts and details to come. Charts, maps, diagrams, pictures, and other visual aids are there to make a point.

What is the importance of SQ5R in reading texts? ›

The SQ5R study method enables you to actively study textbooks and readings. This method can help you process information actively which in turn leads to higher memory and mastery of the material.

What are the 3 main type of reading strategies? ›

There are three different styles of reading academic texts: skimming, scanning, and in-depth reading.

What are the 4 before reading strategies? ›

"Pre-reading includes four steps: preview, predict, prior knowledge, and purpose. You can remember these steps by thinking of them as the '4 Ps. ' "Previewing is taking a quick look at a reading before trying to understand the whole thing...

What are the 7 active reading strategies for students? ›

7 Effective Tips for Active Reading
  • Identify Unfamiliar Words and Phrases. ...
  • Make Notes, Outlines, or Highlights. ...
  • Learn the Main Idea and Key Concepts. ...
  • Ask Questions–Lots of Them. ...
  • Think Beyond the Text. ...
  • Visualization. ...
  • Write or Present a Book Summary.
Jul 29, 2022

What are the 5 Ps in the five part reading system quizlet? ›

What are the five steps to the Five-Part Reading System? Prepare, preview, predict questions, process information, paraphrase and review.

What are practical steps for becoming a proficient reader of college reading assignments? ›

10 Strategies to Improve Your Reading Comprehension for College
  • Find Your Reading Corner. ...
  • Preview the Text. ...
  • Use Smart Starting Strategies. ...
  • Highlight or Annotate the Text. ...
  • Take Notes on Main Points. ...
  • Write Questions as You Read. ...
  • Look Up Words You Don't Know. ...
  • Make Connections.
Aug 25, 2020


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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.