35+ Student Survey Questions to Get Valuable Feedback (2024)

Just like every good workplace keeps tabs on their employees’ feedback, every school or educational organization should know what their students think. And while you could wait for a special occasion to ask them, there is a better alternative—proactively sending out surveys to gather feedback.

When done right, student surveys can increase student engagement, improve your organization’s assessment score, and make the teaching experience more enjoyable for everyone involved. Sit back and relax as we walk you through the ins and outs of student surveys so you can get started with yours today.

What is a student survey?

A student survey is a type of survey that you send out to your students to find out how they feel about a course, instructors, school program, curriculum, and any other aspect of your educational program.

A student survey can be done in person on your premises, during or after classes. However, creating student surveys online with online survey software such as Survicate is a much quicker and more efficient alternative. Besides a great survey platform, you need some great student survey questions, and we’ll give you plenty of examples in a minute.

A student survey form is a way to gather feedback (in the form of qualitative and quantitative data) and analyze it much more quickly than you would by merely asking questions during or after classes.

When to run student surveys and why

Just like any other survey type, student surveys are not something you can do on a set-it-and-forget-it basis. It’s a great idea to catch up with your students on different occasions several times throughout the year. Here are some good situations to run student surveys.

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Getting feedback about your online course

Perhaps your students signed up for one thing and your course and instructors were teaching them something else. A student survey can show you quickly whether the course is meeting your students’ expectations and whether you need to make any major changes. The responses can shape the future of your course and teaching style.

Improving your school offering

A student survey allows your students to show how they truly feel about what your school or course has to offer. Remember, you can turn your student satisfaction survey into an anonymous one in Survicate with one click, which is a neat way to get raw feedback.

Running internal assessments on teacher performance

Maybe you have a hunch that a certain teacher or instructor is underperforming. Or maybe you just want to take a closer look at individual teacher performance every once in a while. A student survey is a superb way to get anonymous feedback about one or all of your teachers.

Evaluating teaching methods

Your instructors or teachers may think that the methods they use are current and up-to-date. In reality, though, your students may have different thoughts. You can use a survey to compare the teaching methods of two different teachers with the same curriculum, to see which one is preferred by the students.

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Optimizing the workflow and workload

Unless you’re in your students’ shoes, you won’t be able to tell if the amount of material or the way it is delivered is overwhelming. Run a survey every once in a while to learn if you need to adjust the scope of your courses to better suit your students’ capacity.

Student survey questions

Depending on what aspect of your student-teacher-course relationship you want to examine, you’re going to ask different types of questions. For your ease of use, we sorted these survey questions for students in groups. Each student survey question can have multiple forms: it can be an open-ended question, a rating scale question, a yes/no question… It all depends on the type of feedback you want to collect.

Student engagement survey questions

Students who are engaged are students who feel excited about participating in their classes. Engagement student survey questions let you find out just how invested your students are in the course materials.

  • In general, how interested are you in your classes?
  • How likely are you to actively participate in classes?
  • What aspects of the course do you find the most/least engaging in this school year?
  • On a scale from 1 to 10, how much effort are you putting into your class activities right now?
  • If you were the teacher for this class, what is the one thing you would change to make the course more engaging?

Student satisfaction survey questions

While students are here to learn, it’s also necessary for them to feel satisfied with their progress, the materials they’re learning from, and their teachers. Here are some great student survey questions to ask in your student survey form.

  • Overall, how satisfied are you with this course/program?
  • How likely are you to continue at this course/school/university after this year?
  • On a scale from 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this course to others?
  • On a scale from 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with our school/course policies?
  • How satisfied are you with the quality of teaching?
  • How satisfied are you with the overall learning environment?

Bear in mind that all of these questions are a variation of the standard CSAT survey. As such, you can use our CSAT survey template and adapt it according to your needs so you can measure student satisfaction just as well.

Student course evaluation survey questions

Before evaluating the teacher, you may want to take a look at your course first. The feedback you collect here shows you whether your course is structured the right way, at the right pace, and at the right level of knowledge and understanding.

  • Overall, how satisfied are you with this course?
  • How likely are you to recommend this course to a friend?
  • What did you like the most/least about this course?
  • Did this course meet your needs and expectations?
  • Were the covered topics relevant to the course?
  • How helpful was this course in advancing your educational/career goals?
  • How practical do you think the materials you learned are?

Pro tip: every time you want to ask a question such as “How likely are you to recommend…”, you’re using an NPS survey, one of the most common survey types out there. To make the most of it, try using an NPS survey template from our library.

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Teacher evaluation survey questions

The methods and qualifications of your teaching staff are just as important as your course materials. Especially if you have more than one teacher working on a specific course at a time, it’s useful to compare your students’ thoughts about your teachers.

  • On a scale from 1 to 10, how knowledgeable is your teacher/instructor?
  • How clearly did your teacher explain the course materials?
  • How easy is it to approach your teacher/instructor if you have questions?
  • How well did your teacher answer students’ questions?
  • How receptive is your teacher to the feedback you gave them?
  • How would you rate your teacher’s organizational skills this school year?
  • Which areas did your teacher excel in? In which areas did they not do great?

Student bullying survey questions

If you work in a school setting (be it online or offline), you know that bullying is sadly quite common. However, the right kind of survey can help you spot student harassment in time, be it from other students or even your teachers.

  • During this course, have you been bullied?
  • Could you describe a situation when you were bullied?
  • Where do you think most of the bullying situations happen?
  • Have you missed classes this year because of bullying?
  • Have you talked to your teacher or someone else about being bullied?
  • How safe do you feel at school/in this institution?
  • If you do get bullied, where do these situations happen the most?

Back-to-school student survey questions

As your students are just getting back to school with a fresh mind, this is the perfect time to ask them questions about their expectations for the upcoming semester or year. It’s also the perfect opportunity to lighten the mood and set the right tone by asking some more light-hearted questions to get to know your students better. Here are some survey question examples for this use case.

  • What’s the most important quality for you in a teacher?
  • What do you want to be doing in five years?
  • What is your preferred way of learning?
  • What are the five adjectives that would describe you best?
  • What do you usually do for fun?
  • What is your education/career goal after completing this course?

Start creating student surveys with Survicate

Now that you know the many benefits of running student surveys as well as great questions that you can use, you can create a student survey of your own. And you don’t have to be a professional marketer, developer, or researcher to create a survey. All you need is a Survicate account and some student survey questions from this list.

Getting started is a matter of signing up and browsing through our extensive library of survey templates. Student surveys are just one of the many survey types you can use as a template. Leave the questions as they are or change them to suit your student audience better. In any case, your student survey will be complete and ready to send out in less than five minutes.

Capture your students’ feedback today so you can prepare for a better tomorrow with Survicate’s freemium plan.

35+ Student Survey Questions to Get Valuable Feedback (3)

Mile Zivkovic

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35+ Student Survey Questions to Get Valuable Feedback (4)

Mile is a content marketing strategist and writer and has been in the world of SaaS since 2016. You can find him writing on topics such as productivity and marketing

35+ Student Survey Questions to Get Valuable Feedback (2024)


What are some good survey questions for students? ›

Student survey questions that will provide valuable feedback
  • Rank this year's lessons from easiest to hardest.
  • How much time do you spend on homework every night?
  • Which classroom activities do you learn from the most?
  • What are three things that can improve the class most?
  • Rate your teacher.

How can we obtain more feedback from students? ›

5 tips for gathering useful feedback from your students
  1. Introduce your students to the concept of feedback. As with anything, context is important. ...
  2. Create a welcoming environment. ...
  3. Ask specific questions. ...
  4. Ask fewer questions, but ask them more often. ...
  5. Loop back to your students.

What are open ended feedback questions for students? ›

1) What is one thing you would like me to know about you? 2) What is one skill you know you need to improve upon as a college student? How can this course support you in improving that skill? 3) What are some strategies that have helped you feel successful in other classes?

What are 5 good survey questions? ›

These 5 basic questions—how, why, who, when, and what—don't get as much attention as the more popular questions you include in your survey. But they should. Take a few minutes to answer these 5 questions before you start writing your survey.

What are effective survey questions? ›

7 tips for writing a great survey or poll
  • Ask more closed-ended questions instead than open-ended questions. ...
  • Ensure your survey questions are neutral. ...
  • Keep a balanced set of answer choices. ...
  • Don't ask for two things at once. ...
  • Keep your questions different from each other. ...
  • Let most of your questions be optional to answer.

What are some fun survey questions? ›

Here are a few examples of fun survey questions:
  • What is your favorite color?
  • What is your favorite TV show?
  • Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?
  • Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Mar 16, 2022

What is the most effective form of feedback for learning? ›

The type of feedback was found to be decisive, with praise, punishment, rewards, and corrective feedback all having low or low to medium effects on average, but corrective feedback being highly effective for enhancing the learning of new skills and tasks.

What is the most common level of feedback provided to students? ›

TASK Level Feedback

The first level of feedback is more information focused (incorrect or correct), leads to acquiring more or different information, and builds more surface knowledge. This type of feedback is most common and most students see feedback in these terms.

What are some closed-ended questions to ask a student? ›

However, there are examples of close-ended questions that require answers other than yes or no.
  • What year were you born?
  • On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you?
  • Which university did you attend?
  • How often do use public transport?
Sep 5, 2020

What are key open-ended questions? ›

Open-ended questions begin with the following words: why, how, what, describe, tell me about..., or what do you think about... 3. Use open-ended questions as follow ups for other questions. These follow ups can be asked after open or closed-ended questions.

What are warm up questions in a survey? ›

Part 3: Warm-Up Questions

Asking general questions before specific questions is sometimes called the funnel technique. The goal of the research in part to is to "warm up" the respondent. Tough questions and questions that can cause embarrassment are saved until the end of the questionnaire.

What are filler questions for surveys? ›

Filler questions are small talk and circ*mscribed questions that are used as "icebreakers" between individuals. Questions such as "How are you today?" even if you are not truly interested in the answer. It is a way of filling time and making verbal contact with others, whether they are strangers or not.

What are the 20 questions categories? ›

Variants of the 20 Questions Game
  • Boticelli. In this version, you only guess famous people (fictional people may or may not be allowed, depending on your preference). ...
  • Vermicelli and Vespucci. ...
  • Forehead Detective. ...
  • Animals. ...
  • People. ...
  • Places. ...
  • Food. ...
  • Objects.
Dec 22, 2020

What is survey checklist questionnaire? ›

Most surveys of customers, employees or the like use what are called “checklist questions”. It's a good name since it is what it says. We present a list of options to the respondent and ask which ones fit the respondent. They're also known as multiple choice questions.

What is a 12 item questionnaire? ›

The twelve-item GHQ (GHQ-12) consists of 12 items that assess the extent of a mental problem over the past few weeks. In order to obtain an overall GHQ score, responses were scored using a Likert type scale (0-3) instead of the binominal (0-0-1-1).

What is a 5 point scale questionnaire? ›

A 5-point Likert scale is a psychometric response method where respondents can easily answer questions and state their level of agreement in five points. The 5-point Likert scale consists of the below points – (1) Strongly Disagree; (2) Disagree; (3) Neither Agree nor Disagree; (4) Agree; (5) Strongly Agree.

Which are the 3 types of questions included in a questionnaire? ›

Here are the types of survey questions you should be using to get more survey responses: Open-ended questions. Closed-ended questions. Rating questions.

What are the 4 characteristics of a good survey questionnaire? ›

Some essential characteristics of a good survey that researchers need to know, including:
  • A clear understanding of the focus of the research and the type of data that needs to be collected.
  • A clear and consistent format.
  • Clear and concise instructions.
  • Clear language for the questions.
  • Definition of terms.
Dec 3, 2021

How many questions are good for a survey questionnaire? ›

A good questionnaire can be of 25 to 30 questions and should be able to be administered within 30 min to keep the interest and attention of the participants intact.

What are survey comments examples? ›

Examples of positive employee survey comments

Everyone I work with is passionate about their jobs and collaborates well with other teams." "My ability to relate to my managers is what makes this place great." "Pushing our dream and values. Good places for people to work and flexible work patterns.

What are 10 random questions? ›

And now...for the most random questions ever!
  • If You Had Three Wishes, What Would You Wish For?
  • What Would You Rather Throw Away: Love Or Money?
  • What's The Most Beautiful Place You've Ever Seen?
  • What Was Your Fondest Memory Of High School?
  • What's Your Favorite TV Show?
  • What's The Strangest Thing In Your Refrigerator?
Jul 31, 2020

What are the 3 simple but powerful techniques for giving effective feedback? ›

Giving Feedback Effectively
  • Check Your Motives. Before giving feedback, remind yourself why you are doing it. ...
  • Be Timely. The closer to the event you address the issue, the better. ...
  • Make It Regular. ...
  • Prepare Your Comments. ...
  • Be Specific. ...
  • Criticize in Private. ...
  • Use "I" Statements. ...
  • Limit Your Focus.

What are the 7 types of feedback? ›

Types of feedback
  • Informal feedback. Informal feedback can occur at any times as it is something that emerges spontaneously in the moment or during action. ...
  • Formal feedback. ...
  • Formative feedback. ...
  • Summative feedback. ...
  • Student peer feedback. ...
  • Student self feedback. ...
  • Constructive feedback. ...
  • Resources, strategies or assistance.
Feb 9, 2023

What are the 3 types of effective feedback? ›

It comes in at least three formats:
  • Appreciation: recognising and rewarding someone for great work. ...
  • Coaching: helping someone expand their knowledge, skills and capabilities. ...
  • Evaluation: assessing someone against a set of standards, aligning expectations and informing decision-making.
Mar 25, 2021

What is constructive feedback for students? ›

Constructive feedback is defined as the act of giving information to a student or resident through the description of their performance in an observed clinical situation.

Which type of assessment is typically used to give feedback to students? ›

Formative assessment is a valuable tool that enables instructors to provide immediate and ongoing feedback to improve student learning (Shute, 2008).

What are some examples of constructive feedback to improve learner performance? ›

That's a really great start, but perhaps you could…” “You're on the right track, but you're not quite there yet.” Positive phrases such as these help students see that learning is a journey, and there will be some speed bumps along the way!

What is high quality feedback for students? ›

Effective feedback is: 1) targeted, 2) communicates progress, 3) timely, and 4) gives students the opportunity to practice and implement the feedback received. In a broader sense, these aspects relate to thinking about where the student is going, how the student is doing now, and what the next step is.

Which feedback is the most powerful tool for improving student learning? ›

Descriptive feedback is the most powerful tool for improving student learning - feedback that focuses on what needs to be done can encourage all to believe that they can improve (Black, Harrison, Lee, & Wiliam).

What feedback should look like to benefit students? ›

Providing feedback means giving students an explanation of what they are doing correctly AND incorrectly, with the focus of the feedback on what the students is doing right. It is most productive to a student's learning when they are provided with an explanation as to what is accurate and inaccurate about their work.

What are 10 open-ended questions? ›

10 examples of open-ended questions
  • Why did you apply for this position?
  • Explain how you manage tight deadlines at work.
  • What are your biggest strengths and why?
  • Why do you think you're the right candidate for this position?
  • Why did you leave your previous position?
  • Where do you see yourself in the future?
May 26, 2023

What are the 5 W open-ended questions? ›

Open-ended questions for sales often begin with the five Ws: who, what, where, when, why. These five, along with one “H” – how – are basic interrogative or question words used by journalists, law enforcement, researchers, and others to gather information.

What are examples of open-ended questions in the classroom? ›

9 Open-Ended Questions
  • “What do you wish they knew about you?” ...
  • “What are the possible outcomes of that?” ...
  • “How do you feel it went?” ...
  • 4 & 5. ...
  • “How can I best support you?” ...
  • “What are your ideas for how to address it?” ...
  • “Is there anything else?” ...
  • “What's your favorite restaurant near campus?”
Jul 16, 2018

What is an example of closed-ended questions questionnaire? ›

A simple example of a close-ended question includes “Do you like ice cream?” Here, respondents will answer with a simple “Yes” or “No.” Close-ended questions are opposite to open-ended questions, where respondents can share their thoughts and opinions in-depth by replying in an open-text format answer.

What is one example of a close ended questions? ›

For example, in standard parlance, "Is it ever right to lie?" would be regarded as a closed question: it elicits a yes–no response.

What are the 7 keys questions? ›

7 Key Questions: Who, What, Why, When, Where, How, How Much?

What is an example of an open-ended question assessment? ›

Open-ended questions are broad and can be answered in detail (e.g. "What do you think about this product?"), while closed-ended questions are narrow in focus and usually answered with a single word or a pick from limited multiple-choice options (e.g. "Are you satisfied with this product?" → Yes/No/Mostly/Not quite).

How do you ask for feedback after a survey? ›

Here are some strategies to consider:
  1. Send an email. ...
  2. Use a pop-up survey. ...
  3. Add a poll on social media. ...
  4. Post a feedback or contact form on your website or app. ...
  5. Request a third-party review. ...
  6. Ask for article feedback. ...
  7. Send a text. ...
  8. Call on the phone.
Jul 21, 2022

What are the three questions to ask for feedback? ›

The questions are:
  • What should I stop doing?
  • What should I keep doing?
  • What should I start doing?
Aug 4, 2011

How do you ask for feedback for performance? ›

Here are five steps to follow when asking your manager for a performance review:
  1. Choose the right time. When asking your employer for feedback, you'll want to do so at the right time. ...
  2. Be formal in your request. ...
  3. Emphasize the benefits of feedback. ...
  4. Set your goals ahead of time. ...
  5. Establish a feedback protocol.
Jun 24, 2022

How do you ask a lead for feedback? ›

How to Ask Your Manager for Feedback
  1. Decide which aspects of your performance you'd like to receive feedback on. ...
  2. Propose an appropriate time in advance. ...
  3. Ask guiding questions. ...
  4. Be gracious in receiving feedback. ...
  5. Implement feedback and communicate progress.
Mar 5, 2023

How do you ask for feedback and approval? ›

Watch this video or read the tips below.
  1. Remind your clients of the brief.
  2. Be enthusiastic about what you like.
  3. Make it clear which parts you want their opinion on.
  4. Give your clients a transparent way to provide feedback.
  5. Set due dates to make sure feedback and approval arrives on time.
Apr 5, 2023

What are the 3 P's of receiving feedback? ›

Anytime a student wants feedback, help them identify what type of feedback they want: personal, peer, or professonial.

How do you ask for 360 feedback questions? ›

Sample 360 degree feedback questions for evaluating current managers within your organization:
  1. Is this manager effective at solving problems?
  2. Does this manager treat others respectfully?
  3. Do the actions of this manager Inspire growth and development in others?
  4. Is this manager able to resolve conflict appropriately?
Jul 21, 2022

What are the 4 C's of feedback? ›

Of course, the 4 C's developed by the Partnership for 21st Century Learning are communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking (I'll add a 5th C at the end). Take some time to read the feedback and think to yourself whether it could be directed at you.

Which are the 7 keys to effective feedback? ›

In this short article, author and former teacher Grant Wiggins says that helpful feedback is goal-referenced; tangible and transparent; actionable; user-friendly (specific and personalized); timely; ongoing; and consistent.

What are the 7 key elements of effective feedback? ›

Feedback Essentials
  • Goal-Referenced. Effective feedback requires that a person has a goal, takes action to achieve the goal, and receives goal-related information about his or her actions. ...
  • Tangible and Transparent. ...
  • Actionable. ...
  • User-Friendly. ...
  • Timely. ...
  • Ongoing. ...
  • Consistent.
Sep 1, 2012


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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.